What does lavender essential oil or Lavender do?

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Lavender essential oil, also known as Lavender, has a gentle, sweet aroma. This product line is always the first choice of many owners of high-end fashion clothing shops, luxury cosmetic stores, luxury beauty spas,… So what does this product line do and why is it chosen by delicate guests? We invite customers to discover the great uses that Kodo premium lavender essential oil brings!

10 Lợi ích của tinh dầu hoa oải hương

Deodorizing effect, creating space with the most seductive and attractive fragrance

Kodo lavender essential oil has the effect of purifying the air and eliminating odors extremely effectively. Not only that, this essential oil also gives your space a gentle, seductive fragrance that is equally arrogant and classy.

As an accomplished brand manager, you’ve probably heard the term “scent marketing” at least once in your life. This is the secret of the success of many leading business organizations today.

What is Lavender

A complete Lavender floral fragrance will help customers recognize your brand

The use of lavender essential oil in your business space is an important marketing tool that targets your customers’ sense of smell. This is the sense that has the strongest ability to connect with human emotions and memory.

Through smelling the sweet and seductive Lavender flower scent that is extremely delicate and arrogant, customers will feel the value of the products and services you bring. A complete Lavender floral fragrance will help customers recognize your brand, it creates a stronger identity than your logo image.

>> Consult: What is Scent Marketing? Benefits and Who Should Use Scent Marketing

Lavender essential oil helps to relax, creating positive emotions for customers

Kodo lavender essential oil has a great use in relieving stress, fatigue, relieving stress, giving us the most positive emotions. The lavender scent often leaves customers with the longest lasting impression of all natural essential oils.

Imagine, when customers step into the reception hall, in your showroom or store, they receive a pleasant, gentle Lavender scent, those customers will surely become much happier and more comfortable. If you are in the field of entertainment, beauty or fashion services, this scent satisfies the spirit of customers.

cách làm tinh dầu hoa oải hương 1

Scent dominates 75% of people’s emotions and memory abilities

When your customers are attracted to fragrance, this inevitably entails their loyalty. Because, according to a study, scent dominates up to 75% of people’s emotions and memory ability. If you are successful with your scent marketing approach, it will be inevitable that customers will come to you again.

Shape the style, create your own mark for your personal brand

Since ancient times, lavender essential oil has been used by concubines and beauties to create a seductive scent on the body. This essential oil gives a feminine, delicate, luxurious and classy aroma. This scent is both soft yet incredibly warm, classic yet brings sweetness to the skin.

If you are looking for an essential oil to be able to fully feel the appeal, save deep in the minds of people around, Kodo lavender essential oil is the perfect choice. A little gentle, sweet floral scent lingering on each hair, on the lovely dress you are wearing is enough to make the other person remember.

Lavender essential oil gives you a better and deeper sleep

Another great use of lavender essential oil is to reduce sleep disturbances, improve sleep quality and duration, and improve overall health for users. Lavender essential oil is extracted 100% naturally, does not contain preservatives or any chemicals that cause adverse health effects.

Sơ chế hoa oải hương

Lavender essential oil gives you a better and deeper sleep

To improve sleep, you can use Kodo lavender essential oil together with Kodo essential oil diffuser to give the bedroom a really comfortable, pleasant space. Every time you enter the room, just smell the gentle, sweet aroma of Lavender flowers, all fatigue and bed stress seem to disappear.

Also, if you often struggle with headaches for stress then lavender essential oil will be the natural remedy you are looking for. This essential oil has the best ability to cure headaches because it helps calm all stress, anxiety and makes your spirit much better.

Làm giảm rụng tóc

There is evidence that using lavender essential oil in combination with oils from thyme, rosemary and cedar can improve hair loss by up to 44% after 7 months of treatment. Therefore, lavender essential oil is considered to promote hair growth on the human body and aid in the treatment of baldness, hair loss and itchy scalp.

Reduces hair loss

Tinh dầu oải hương giúp làm lành vết thương

According to a study published in the journal Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, lavender essential oil has the ability to promote the healing of skin tissues. This essential oil can be used to heal small wounds and improve scars.

The way to use is very simple, you just need to mix 3-4 drops of lavender oil with a few drops of coconut oil, soak the mixture well with cotton wool and apply on the wound. If used 2 times per day, the effect will improve.

Giảm đau và giảm viêm

Lavender essential oil has an analgesic and inflammation-relieving effect. It can be used to help relieve symptoms of diseases such as headaches, muscle and joint pain, arthritis, and inflammation of the respiratory tract.

Tác dụng giảm đau khi cắt amidan

At Isfahan Medical University, Iran, a team of researchers conducted a study on the analgesic effects of lavender essential oil on 48 children aged 6 to 12 years. They randomly divided the group of children into two equal groups: one group used the painkiller acetaminophen in combination with lavender essential oil, the other group used only painkillers.

The researchers then observed two groups of children for 3 days after surgery, measuring pain intensity and recording the frequency of painkillers. The results showed that the group using lavender essential oil had to use less painkillers than the other group. This indicates the analgesic effect of lavender essential oil.

Trị mụn trứng cá hiệu quả

The use of lavender essential oil is an effective method of treating acne. Lavender essential oil is antibacterial and anti-inflammatory, helps reduce the appearance of acne and reduce the symptoms of dermatitis.

How to make lavender essential oil 2

How to use lavender essential oil for acne:

  • Trộn 2-3 giọt tinh dầu hoa oải hương với 1 thìa súp dầu dừa.
  • Dùng tăm bông hoặc đầu ngón tay thoa hỗn hợp lên vùng da bị mụn.
  • Để hỗn hợp trên da trong khoảng 30 phút.
  • Rửa sạch bằng nước ấm và lau khô bằng khăn mềm.

Giúp làm mờ vết thâm

Lavender essential oil stimulates collagen production and enhances blood circulation under the skin, thereby helping to fade and reduce dark spots on the skin. However, for maximum effect, you should use lavender essential oil in combination with other skin care products and ensure your skin condition is in good condition to avoid skin irritation.

Cách làm tinh dầu oải hương đơn giản tại nhà

To make lavender essential oil at home, you can follow these simple steps:

Preparation of raw materials:

  • Hoa oải hương tươi: khoảng 1-2 chén hoa (tùy theo số lượng tinh dầu bạn muốn sản xuất).
  • Dầu cơ bản: bạn có thể sử dụng dầu ô liu hoặc dầu hạnh nhân.
  • Chỗ để ủ tinh dầu: hũ thủy tinh có nắp kín hoặc chai ánh sáng.

How to make lavender essential oil 5

How to do it:

  • Rửa sạch hoa oải hương: Rửa hoa oải hương tươi với nước để loại bỏ bụi bẩn hoặc cặn bẩn.
  • Phơi khô hoa oải hương: Đặt hoa oải hương trên một tấm khay hoặc giấy mỹ phẩm và để khô tự nhiên trong bóng tối trong khoảng 24 giờ, cho đến khi hoa khô hoàn toàn.
  • Tráng qua dầu: Đặt hoa oải hương đã khô vào hũ thủy tinh, sau đó đổ dầu cơ bản (dầu ô liu hoặc dầu hạnh nhân) vào hũ sao cho hoa được phủ kín. Đậy kín hũ và để nó ủ trong khoảng 4-6 tuần tại nhiệt độ phòng, để cho hoa oải hương thẩm thấu vào dầu.
  • Lọc và đổ vào chai ánh sáng: Sau khi tinh dầu đã ủ đủ thời gian, hãy lọc tinh dầu bằng cách sử dụng bộ lọc tinh dầu hoặc vải lọc sạch. Đổ tinh dầu đã lọc vào chai ánh sáng để bảo quản và sử dụng.

>> Read also: Simple instructions on how to make lavender essential oil at home

Where to buy essential oils quality, prestige

The above are the great uses that lavender essential oil brings to users. Only 100% pure natural essential oils have the above uses like Kodo’s Lavender UK essential oil. Kodo’s natural essential oil line has 3 important functions:

1) Absolutely safe for health because 100% natural essence does not mix impurities or cheap mixed oils. Select from good raw materials in the world.

2) Delicate distilled scent, vivid and relaxing like the breath of nature, high quality, uniform every milliliter (because modern factory uses cold extraction technology).

3) Ensure the characteristic function of natural essential oils on air purification, bactericidal, insect repellent.

4) Have a certificate of origin.

If customers are in need of installing an essential oil diffuser system to help the business and working space become classy and luxurious, please contact Kodo immediately! Lavender UK Kodo essential oil – haughty incense creates class.


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